Now I ask the questions, and they answer
Szerző: Társaság a Szabadságjogokért
Létrehozva: 2011. július 12, kedd
Módosítva: 2018. február 8, csütörtök
The aim of the Make your voice heard! project of the HCLU is to facilitate advocacy skills of Roma communities. Therefore, the HCLU trains Romani activists in freedom of information and in participatory rights. This obtained knowledge will help them gain insight into local decision-making processes. By having access to data of public interest and exercising participatory rights, their situation will improve so they can reach the social level of the less underprivileged majority.
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The constitution states that everyone has a right to access information of public interest, and to circulate it. Information of public interest is any information that is not personal data, or does not have a state or government role. The access to information of public interest is limited. One example is when the requested data is confidential; due to certain interests, the government can also limit the access to information.
The Make your voice heard! activists generally request data from their own settlements or the surrounding area. They are primarily concerned with questions that serve the interest of their communities (for example, jobs, public education, the development of the settlement, the use of EU funds). The starting point of the Make your voice heard! project is the assumption that the distribution of development funds is discriminatory against settlements and settlement districts where Gypsies are the majority. In certain situations, the freedom of information is a great tool for the local Roma communities to access sufficient data to effectively protect their rights. The activists from the HCLU have constant access to legal aid in order to promote the freedom of information, and during group meetings, they have the opportunity to share their experiences and deepen their knowledge.