Now you can find out if your representative is on your side
Szerző: Társaság a Szabadságjogokért
Létrehozva: 2011. július 13, szerda
Módosítva: 2018. február 8, csütörtök
The aim of the Make your voice heard! project of the HCLU is to facilitate advocacy skills of Roma communities. Therefore the HCLU trains Romani activists in freedom of information and in participatory rights. This obtained knowledge would help them gain insight into local decision-making processes. By having access to data of public interest and exercising participatory rights, their situation can be improved so they can reach the social level of the less underprivileged majority.
For English subtitles: start the video and click on the "cc" button!
The local government representative meetings are open to the public. This means that anyone can sit in on the meetings and listen to their entirety. For anyone to be there, they do not need to give any explanation, it is enough to be interested in what their representatives are doing. The right to be present is not the same as the right to participate. If one speaks to the notary or the mayor before the meeting, and asks to say something, there is an opportunity to do so. Very rarely there can be closed meetings, but the representatives have few chances for this (personal decisions). Generally, a sound recording and written record is also made; a copy can be requested of either.
The Make your voice heard! activists frequent the local government representative meetings, public hearings, and town meetings. On these occasions, they can familiarize themselves with the questions and arguments that affect them, the factors involved in decision-making, and they even have the opportunity to express their own opinions or those of their communities. The HCLU helps these activists participate in the decision-making process, even in the events leading up to or following it. Those taking part in this project are familiar with the area, and in part due to their training, they can effectively speak up in the interest of their communities when they experience discrimination in the distribution of funds and resources.